Great Leaders Lead Themselves Well

When we focus on our strengths and our blindspots and hone our key human skills (communication, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, negotiation, etc.), we become more impactful.

Read on to reflect alongside Melissa about how you can best set yourself up for success as a leader.

Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

I thought I already learned this lesson… Do I need to learn it again?

During the rapid-fire questions at the end of Bréne Brown’s podcasts, one question she would ask was something like, “What lesson is the universe continuing to teach you because you haven’t mastered it yet?”

I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently because I realize I still haven’t learned the lesson well enough about leaving thinking space and room for my personal priorities in my calendar.

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

The Best Laid Plans

I had a vision of how my Friday would go. Then I read an email and saw a Slack message, and my plans for a low-key day shifted.

How often does this happen to you?  You do the strategy and planning work for your day or week, but then life intervenes with other plans.

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

Are Your Priorities Not Getting Attention Due to Scope Creep?

During a coaching session this week, one participant made a connection he hadn’t noticed before. Staying aligned with priorities is no different from managing the scope of a project. We know all about scope creep in project management, but we don’t tend to relate it to our daily lives.

I found this idea so relatable that I wanted to share it with all of you. I often talk about setting priorities and boundaries and then managing them…

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

Are you playing it safe?

When things happen more than one time, you start wondering what message the universe is sending you.

I did a lot of driving this week so got to catch up on several podcasts that I regularly listen to, and one had an author/podcaster who published a book last fall titled, Never Play It Safe.  The episode is linked below.

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

The Choices We Make As Leaders

During a networking discussion earlier this week, I discussed my positioning as a Leadership Endurance Coach and why I put my work under this umbrella.  There was an immediate recognition that leadership is like the endurance sport, and the conversation turned to what it takes to keep going and going… like the energizer bunny.  

We talked about the trade-offs and decisions merging work and family responsibilities…

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

Welcome to 2025!

We’re several days into the year, so I’m curious about how energized you’re feeling for 2025.  

I’m excited for the year ahead and what it might bring, though I have feelings of trepidation based on the number of unknowns facing our world…

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Team Leadership Melissa Carson Team Leadership Melissa Carson

Are you celebrating your successes?

Earlier this month, I facilitated an off-site retreat with one of my non-profit clients.  This organization has had quite the year with many successes but also a high level of pressure.  As we designed the session, we wanted to make sure there was time to celebrate the successes.

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