When was the last time you ran a feedback session about your career and personal life?


Last week, I was finishing up a training module in the Josh Bersin Academy’s program on Design Thinking for HR.  The topic was focused on testing your ideas and using the feedback framework of:

🤔 I Like…(what is working)
🤔 I wish…(what isn’t working)
🤔 What if…(what I would love to see instead or in addition)

This wasn’t a new concept for me, but I liked the format of the questions.  I think this check-in format is also a good one to do with the different parts of our lives periodically.  

When was the last time you checked how each facet of your life was working?

Over the years, I’ve used the Wheels of Life and Work with clients. These tools allow you to evaluate each facet of life or work on a scale of 1-10 (very dissatisfied to very satisfied). There is no right or wrong with the scores. A low number may be okay if that area isn’t important to you. But if it’s a critical part of your life, a low number signals that some type of change may be warranted.

When I look at my Wheel of Life results, my scores for Fun and Friends and Family are lower than I would like them to be so I’m going to focus on what I need to do differently to bring those scores up closer to my ideal.

Combining these two exercises would be a good way to ensure you have a plan for 2025 (or the next quarter) moving you closer to your ideal state in each priority area.

Which scores are lower than you would like?

Take those areas and ask yourself these questions:

🤔 I Like…(what is working)
🤔 I wish…(what isn’t working)
🤔 What if…(what I would love to see instead or in addition)

Making time for reflections like these is key to ensuring we live our lives intentionally.  Find a time in the next week to do your self-check and decide where you want to focus your energy.

If you want to understand if coaching will help you move your numbers, let’s talk.


The new year is a perfect time to map out your success factors for the year.

You can download the 2025 Success Measures template with this link.


Not Your Cup of Tea


The Choices We Make As Leaders