Great Leaders Lead Themselves Well

When we focus on our strengths and our blindspots and hone our key human skills (communication, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, negotiation, etc.), we become more impactful.

Read on to reflect alongside Melissa about how you can best set yourself up for success as a leader.

Inclusion, Life Journey Melissa Carson Inclusion, Life Journey Melissa Carson

#ChoosetoChallenge… one right way, one normal

I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go with today’s blog but as I was listening to a great podcast (Brené with Dr. Susan David on The Dangers of Toxic Positivity, Part 2 of 2), I realized I wanted to focus on where we are – 1 year into the pandemic response, all of the equity discussions that got more visibility this summer, and a US election that has shone a light on how divided our country is.

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