We need community
Created by DALL-E
Last night, I helped launch the new Delaware chapter of Women in Tech with several friends and colleagues. For our first event, I'd view it as a huge success. Our group ranged from students from the University of Delaware to women who have retired from their first careers and are thinking about giving back or sharing their capabilities in a part-time or consulting structure.
When we asked the women what they were looking for in a group, we heard 2 overarching themes:
an opportunity to build relationships outside of their organization
to learn from each other.
Though the audience applauded the greater flexibility that has come from not being tied to an office every day, they acknowledged they missed the energy of coming together.
⭐️ We thrive when we're in community with others.
⭐️We thrive when we feel like we have something to share that may be valuable for someone else.
⭐️We thrive when we feel like we're in a safe space to share our experiences.
The energy in the room started as a bit awkward since people didn't know each other, but by the end, recognizing that the other women had so many shared experiences and we're looking for similar support, everyone was mingling and talking as if they had known each other for longer than 2 hours.
I love being able to work from home. Even before starting my own business and the pandemic's intervention in our lives, I had the privilege to work from home several days a week for years. I loved the mix of having days where I didn't need to commute and days where I could interact in person with my colleagues. I had the right balance for me.
Now, I often dread getting in the car to drive to a meeting or an event. However, the vast majority of the time, I'm glad that I did it because I refilled my energy cup. I don't need that every day, but I need it regularly. I think many of us have become more selective in what in-person activities we choose to do based on the perceived value we will get from making that extra effort.
I think we need to remind ourselves that, whether we're more of an introvert or an extrovert, being around others is powerful.
Where are you finding your energy through community with others?