Falling in love with your job
I believe we are meant to love the work that we do. Most of us spend at least 1/3 of each work day focused on our job. That's a huge part of our life. Add in that a big part of another 1/3 is spent sleeping. If we don't love how we spend that 1/3 of our time, we're missing out on fully experiencing our best life.
What does it mean to love your job? For me and most people I talk with, it's made up of a combination of things:
✔️Interesting work
✔️Growth and new challenges
✔️Feeling respected and valued for our contributions
✔️Great team members and bosses
✔️Being rewarded fairly
When you answer the question, do I love my job, which of those 5 areas stand out for you? Which ones are missing? How important are those missing ones?
If you don't love your job, you have a choice to stay or go. If you decide to stay, spend time figuring out how you can love it by shifting your mindset. If you decide to go, make sure you know what you're looking for next.
If you're thinking about what's next in your career, you can download my new My Ideal Job worksheet here. (hyperlink: https://crimdell.kartra.com/page/myidealjob).
Isn't it worth figuring out how you love your job more?