Are you stuck in your ways?
Photo by Mario Azzi on Unsplash
Earlier this week, the song, Stuck In My Way by Lauren Watkins, came on my XM radio station. The song is focused on coming out of a relationship, but it made me think about our habits.
Are we stuck in our ways as a good thing (healthy habits and practices), or are we stuck doing things the way we've always done them because it's easier than figuring out what to do next or dealing with the fear of leaving our comfort zone?
One line that stuck out to me is when she says, "I am who I am, I ain't gonna change."
There are pros and cons to this statement.
On one hand, knowing ourselves and being proud of who we are and how we show up is positive. We want to be our authentic selves.
However, being unwilling to change when a behavior or action no longer serves us will prevent us from growing and progressing.
As a leader, we must regularly rediscover what works and what doesn't for self-leadership and leading others.
This weekend, I encourage you to do a personal inventory:
❓How are you stuck in your ways?
❓Which of them are helping you be the best version of yourself?
❓Which ones are holding you back from that best version?
❓What changes are you ready and willing to start to move from being stuck to having momentum toward what you're looking for?
Taking time to zoom out from your day-to-day life is always a powerful opportunity to reflect on what's working and what's not. I encourage you to find a window of time every week to be intentional about how you lead yourselves, your teams, and your organization (or community or family, etc.)