Reflecting on the First Half
I can't believe we're ready to begin the second half of 2023. It feels like the months have flown by, and I'm a bit saddened that the days have begun shortening again because I love having both the early morning and evening light.
How has your first half gone? Probably like many of you, I've had some highs and some lows, sometimes feeling like I'm on a roller coaster stuck when I'm hanging upside down!
It's so important to ensure we are checking in with ourselves on a regular basis, weekly, monthly, and quarterly so we can assess how things are going.
Are we showing up the way we want to?
Have we stuck to the new habits we started or is time to start new ones?
Have we made progress towards the goals we set for ourselves?
As we look at the 2nd quarter or first half of 2023, ask yourself these questions (adapted from my Full Focus Planner):
Looking Back:
What were your top 3-5 biggest wins?
How far did you get on any goals you had set?
What worked? What didn't? Why?
Looking Ahead:
What will you continue or change/start?
What are your top goals for Q3?
What does success in Q3 look like - personal and professional?
How will you celebrate that success?
Making the time to reflect and plan is critical to ensure you keep going in the direction you want to go and that you prepare for the roadblocks that may appear.